Monday, September 7, 2009

look a blog!

First off, I am really bad at blogging.
But I desperately want to fit in. and need more structure in my life.

Secondly, check out my beautiful new site:

Thanks to my wonderful absolutely brilliant brother!!!
I absolutely love it!


  1. ps. I've added you to my reading list on my blog. Welcome to this part of the world of writing about inane things and self-absorption. Yayayayaya. :D

  2. i am following you like a creep.

  3. I wish I had taken your giant sperm pillow when I had the chance. I guess I just have to keep using my old sperm pillow instead.

  4. LIONEL!!! you have a blog but no fb?! please get one for contact purposes!
    I miss you and kamkam sooo freaking much.
