Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Arctic Monkeys - Perhaps vampires is a bit strong

Summer is quietly slipping away...

I am trying to do some freelance for Global Weave so please go vote for my design:
it would be greatly appreciated!

It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia - Kitten Mittens


They make me drive too fast on the highway

Friday, September 11, 2009

did i do it right?

really struggling with my new piece.
and its fighting back~stealing layers of precious skin.

It just isn't coming together... yet...
I'm going to "sleep" on it/lie awake and think about it.

In desperate need of a wacom much for saving money, eh? Intuos 4? any suggestions?

color palettes give me asthma.

Monday, September 7, 2009

look a blog!

First off, I am really bad at blogging.
But I desperately want to fit in. and need more structure in my life.

Secondly, check out my beautiful new site:

Thanks to my wonderful absolutely brilliant brother!!!
I absolutely love it!